Bugün öğrendim ki: Roma'nın 6. kralı Servius Tullius, Roma'nın alt sınıfını zenginlere tercih etmekle suçlandığı için devrildi ve öldürüldü.

King of Rome (c. 578–535 BC) **Servius Tullius** was the [legendary](/wiki/Roman_mythology "Roman mythology") sixth [king of Rome](/wiki/King_of_Rome "King of Rome"), and the second of its [Etruscan](/wiki/Etruscan_civilization "Etruscan civilization") dynasty. He reigned from 578 to 535 BC.[1] Roman and Greek sources describe his [servile](/wiki/Slavery_in_ancient_Rome "Slavery in ancient Rome") origins and later marriage to a daughter of [Lucius Tarquinius Priscus](/wiki/Lucius_Tarquinius_Priscus "Lucius Tarquinius Priscus"), Rome's first Etruscan king , who was assassinated in 579 BC. The constitutional basis for his access is unclear; he is variously described as the first Roman king to [accede without election](/wiki/Lex_curiata_de_imperio "Lex curiata de imperio") by the [Senate](/wiki/Roman_Senate "Roman Senate"), having gained the throne by popular and royal support; and as the first to be elected by the Senate alone, with support of the reigning queen but without recourse to a popular vote.[2] Several traditions describe Servius' father as [divine](/wiki/Religion_in_ancient_Rome