Bugün öğrendim ki: Dockless Scooter'lardan Yüzyıl Önce Vuran Motorlu Scooter Boom hakkında. 1915'te piyasaya sürülen Autoped, süfrajetlerden postacılara kadar herkesin denemesi ile geniş bir çekiciliğe sahipti.

![Autoped-Smithsonian.jpg](https://th-thumbnailer.cdn-si-edu.com/MZFUNHc6vovsHWRAXT6tQLW1HXU=/1000x750/filters:no_upscale\(\):focal\(400x411:401x412/)/https: /tf- cmsv2-smithsonianmag- media.s3.amazonaws.com/filer/a4/96/a496c00e-9ec9-44ce-a1c9-7797d826597f/autoped- smithsonian.jpg) The National Museum of American History has in its collection this Autoped engine scooter from 1918. NMAH Peter Minton was riding his motorized scooter on Rockaway Beach Boulevard when the patrolman served him with a summons to appear in traffic court. The reason: the 16-year-old was operating the vehicle without a driver's license. Minton wasn't zipping along on a Lime, Bird, Skip or Spin. Instead, the [news item](https://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1939/07/05/112698427.html?action=click